Your Home
1____ Local area
2____ Other area in Texas
3____ US but not Texas (what state? ____________)
4____ Outside of US (What Country ____________)
How long do you plan to stay in this area?
1____ one day 2____ overnight 3____ weekend
4____ 3-6 days 5____ one week 6____ several weeks
7____ a full month 8____ the entire season 9____ I live
What time of the year are you likely to visit?
1____ Summer 2____ Fall 3____ Winter 4____ Spring
1____ RV/Camper 2____ Tent 3____ Condo/motel/hotel
4____ with local friends 5____ other (specify________________________)
How much do you plan to spend during your stay in the area?
1____ $ 0-100 2____ $101-250
3____ $251-500
4____ Over $500
Windsurfing Equipment
1____ renting 2____ buying gear locally 3____ brought your own
1__ under 21 2__ 21-30
3__ 31-40 4__ 41-50
5__ 51-60
6__ over 60
Sex 1__ Female 2__ Male
Education 1___ HS 2___ some college
3___ BA, BS etc 4___ grad deg.
Usual Corpus Launch 1___ Bird 2___The
Bay 3___ Port A 4___other
Please Return to:
Roy Tansill at meeting soon or mail to:
Roy Tansill
16117 Pionciana St.
Corpus Christi, TX 78418 |