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CCWA | CURRENTS | Feb. 2002 |
What follows is an edited version of our newsletter "CURRENTS". To get the full printed version, just join the club using the membership form below, and get the complete newsletter delivered to your mailbox every month. Send submissions to the newsletter to LooseClu@prodigy.net. | ![]() |
Commodore's Notes: Visitors Welcome The late January cold front that arrived provided some excellent sailing opportunities. The different forecast tools available to area sailors allowed some to plan their sailing days accordingly. On Wednesday the southerlies were building and the temps were in the low 80's. Jeff DelaGarza and I were going sailing. I had an invitation to sail the bay behind the Williams home on Aransas Bay. As I headed out, I passed by the spots along our bay. There were sailors at Ropes and at North Beach. I sent Jeff to North Beach to check out the action there. He found a couple of guys from Austin, who upon hearing the forecast, had traveled down for a day of sailing. I rendezvoused with John and met a young UT student and Corpus local, Charlie Weekly. Charlie had skipped class and come for a day of sailing. Later that afternoon I met up with Jeff and we shared our day's adventures. The sailors from Austin had brightened our day and our outlook. Those sailors reminded us of just how lucky we are to live in such a reliably windy spot. The front came strong on Thursday morning. I had hoped to sail at Port A but the winds were too westerly. Which was a good thing because the surf was huge. We're talking lines of surf breaking all the way out at the end of the jetty. The surfers (Olivier and Zack) were having a great day on shortboards. I headed back to Poenisch. I rigged quickly (4.9m) and started sailing. I was soon joined by more visitors. This time it was a contingent from College Station. Ultimately, five hardy sailors braved the cold and wind to enjoy a great Northerly. Visiting from A&M were Dan Cox and Kenan Heidtke. Both are routine visitors to the area and enjoy the conditions the cold front created at Poenisch; breaking 2-foot swells with an actual surf zone. Club members Philippe Tissot and Jeff DelaGarza were out sailing also. It was an excellent session. It's great to have so many dedicated sailors, willing to make the drive, to sail with. Its always more fun with a friend. The beauty of living on the gulf is a special treat. There are many sailors who are willing to make the drive for just one day of sailing. Those of us that live here are lucky to have these kind of days in our backyard. It's the sailors that make the drive that often remind us just how lucky we are. This particular sampling of the A&M and UT crowds provided a few insights into what the sailors are looking for. The Austin group is kind of laid-back. They're looking for warm, sunny, windy days. The Aggie crowd was up for the rock'n'roll , cold weather sailing . Regardless of their preferences, all went away pleased with what they found. Y'all come back now! Chip Biery US WINDSURFING NATIONAL TOUR
Editor's Puffs: by
Roy Tansill
2002 CCWA Activities Schedule Feb 19 Monthly Meeting at the home of Nancy &
Hal Hamilton
Executive Faces of the CCWA
2002 CCWA State of the Club
by Chip Biery
Construction on the Island
The cartoon is on the cartoons
Nov., Dec., & Jan. '01-'02 |
By Don Jackson
A wise woman once said: “Treat your business just as you would your underwear. Change both at least once a year whether you need to or not”. Following this sound business philosophy, and not wanting to disappoint my Mom, Worldwinds is making a few more changes for the 2002 season: CONSTRUCTION will be completed within the next week on a sizable deck with full shade cover right in front of the Executive Office Container. We envision the “Palapa of Knowledge”, to be a gathering place for all windsurfers, regardless of creed, color, or ethnic background, to engage in the free exchange of ideas without fear of political or religious persecution. Or maybe it will just be a place to hang out in the shade and sip a cold beverage after a hard day on the water. WEBSITE2002 www.worldwinds.net is now up and running. Keep an eye out as there is still much more to come and we are still working out the kinks in the new Worldwinds Online Store. This project has taken a bunch more effort that we figured (which is not surprising since I am a computer ignoramus), and would not even have been possible (see previous parenthesis) without the efforts of fellow windsurfer/webmaster, Bart Marek. F2, WHERE ARE YOU? “When are the new F2 boards gunna get here?” The answer to that one is February 15th. Our entire fleet, with a few exceptions, will be all F2 and all 2002. Everyone is more than ready to test-drive the new shapes and sizes including the Max -2 Air, Wizzard, Powerglide, and the brand new Mystery. Guess what? So are we! We have about five 2001 Bics left in the fleet including one Evolution Medium (112L), two Techno 273’s (125L) and one Techno 293 (205L). These are great boards and we are selling them all for very reasonable prices. SPEAKING OF THE NEW SEASON, another frequently asked question is, “When will your season begin?” From what I can see around me with all the moderate weather, great wind, and gangs of sailors shredding it up in shorties, the season has already started. We have been blessed by many days of 4.0 to 6.0 winds with sunny skies. And it’s only January! Worldwinds is now open by prior reservation and in February we will be open several days per week. Check the web and our phone message for changes in operating hours. YOU’VE GOT MAIL. It has been great hearing from all the Worldwinds regulars as you pre-book your spring vacation time slots. We look forward to seeing everyone again and want to remind you to make your reservations as soon as possible so we can guarantee you the rig of your choice. Make your reservations via the web or call us at (800) 793-7471. WORLDWINDS/MYSTIC HARBOR PACKAGE: This one bedroom condo/equipment package is already booked until mid April so call now for a great deal. It’s $575.00/person per week double occupancy and kids only pay extra if they sail. The package price includes a fully furnished Worldwinds-owned one-bedroom condo at Mystic Harbor with a great landscaped courtyard complete with pool and hot tub as well as a full rig for seven days of sailing at Bird Island. WE THINK WE’RE ALMOST FAMOUS DEPT: Worldwinds received a nice mention in the February issue of Sports Illustrated For Women (page 105) and we thank them for that. Unfortunately, they failed to include our “Ladies of the Laguna” photos but did feature a nice picture of a sand dune. Sorry girls, but there is just no accounting for taste. If it’s any consolation, Laura, Stephanie and Meg did make it into our photo gallery. |
CURRANTS... Letters to the Editor | |||||
Welcome Back to Windsurfing
On January 19th, Hal and I had our first windsurfing session since September. We had a great session at Bird Island -- albeit too short (after all there were NFL playoffs that afternoon and we had to quit early). We both ended the day with sore muscles and grins on our faces -- it felt great to be windsurfing again. Since we both moved to Corpus Christi to windsurf year-round, a 5-month hiatus would indicate that things aren't working out as planned. It's been windy -- but seemingly not on the weekend when we were available to go. Hal's job kept him away from the water a good portion of the time. But what about me? As the weeks, then months after September passed, we seemed to settle into a "we'll do that again when we have time" mode. We seemed to miss most CCWA events, even missing the Christmas party -- always a fun time. What was happening? Then I made it to the January "do or die" meeting, where there were about eight of us present. We coaxed everybody at the meeting into volunteering for some sort of assignment. I came away thinking: what's going on? what's happening to to our club? what's happening to windsurfing? The answer is -- just like everything else in life, you have to set your priorities and make time to do what is important to you. When I moved to Corpus Christi five years ago, it was the members of the CCWA that welcomed me with open arms and made me a part of the family. In the last year I got married, bought a house, moved twice, took up several new hobbies, on and on, etc. But, windsurfing is important to me, so is the CCWA and its members, and I am committed to moving those things higher up on my priority list. I hope to see you on the water and at our next meeting. Nancy McClain Hamilton ED’s Note Nancy won’t miss the next meeting- its at her home. |
To be decided... |
Volunteers Wanted: The club sponsored events, both races and fun events, need people to help out on and before the events. This is particularly true for the US Open. One year, the CCWA was a sponsor and had a booth at the Open; but we didn't have sufficient help to man the booth throughout the event. We don't want that to happen again! Similarly, other events suffered because of a lack of help. How about volunteering your help this year? Just phone an event coordinator and offer some help. |
Name:______________________________________Phone: ( )______________ Family membership, list names of family members:_____________________________________ ____________________________________E-mail Add:_________________________ Address:_______________________________________________________________ City:_________________________________State:_________________Zip__________ Please enclose $20 for individual; $30 for family (1 year membership) Mail To: CCWA, PO Box
81453, Corpus Christi, TX 78468
Used Gear: | Classified ads are free to
members, non-members: $5.00
Please submit the ads by the 25th of the month. Mail ads to: LooseClu@prodigy.net |
1997 Roberts
275 slalom board, $100, Contact Nancy (361)
8.8 Gaastra F1-11
with proper Powerex mast, $195.
Free: Your add for that used gear clogging your garage/storage area. Used gear adds are Free to CCWA members- you can’t beat that price. |
For more web classifieds, check out the Windsurfing Classifieds at "the other CCWA". |
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