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CCWA | CURRENTS | Apr. 2002 |
What follows is an edited version of our newsletter "CURRENTS". To get the full printed version, just join the club using the membership form below, and get the complete newsletter delivered to your mailbox every month. Send submissions to the newsletter to LooseClu@prodigy.net. | ![]() |
Commodore's Notes: Truth in Advertising by Commodore Chip Biery I have spoken often of the incredible sailing opportunities that the bay area has to offer. Like a salesman, I have pitched the story of the legendary Corpus Wind Machine. We all know the sailors that come out of the woodwork on the really windy days. Well, Easter Weekend validated all that promotion. The city front scene; all the boardheads looking for a launch, the multitude of cars and trucks laden with equipment on the streets, and the crowds at the sailing sites prove that when the wind is up, THEY WILL COME! Where do they come from? I had to stop and ask that question of the many windsurfers I encountered. Well, from all over the great state of Texas. Add Louisiana to that list; Mark of Covington La. made the drive in on Friday morning , sailed Bird on Friday, and got in a early morning Northeast session on the bay at Poenisch before leaving for home on Sunday. Andrie Van Geem came down from Austin for a session. Groups from Dallas were in town. People were sailing at Cole, North Beach, Poenisch, and Bird. All the parking lots were packed. The fact is that we love to sail on warm sunny days. The Easter Weekend provided us with plenty of both. Where I chose to sail, most of the guys were in 4 meters and the ladies were flying 3 meter sails. One poor guy, Phil, showed up with a 6.5 and was relegated to the beach for lack of equipment. I took pity and got a 5.0 out of the truck and rigged it for him. Even that sail was toooo much! In the end I let him use my sail when I was not out on the water myself. I have to give a blistered high five to the weather forecasters for accurately predicting the weekend weather. They said it would blow, people listened and they believed, and it did blow to meet our expectations. And make no mistake, when it blows…THEY WILL COME…. Chip It’s a Good Ol’ Tradition
by Guy Racette
Hatchery Closed
Editor's Puffs: by
Roy Tansill
Maybe its time we begin to recruit new members-
by getting new folks into our sport
Repairing a Footstrap Insert by
Tom Sullivan
Ed’s Note: This repair advice is from a web page which is full of such useful answers to your board repair questions. Take a look at the site the next time something breaks- you probably broke it, maybe you can fix it. Kitemares online
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/kitesurf/files/ KiteKitesurfng%20Accident%20Database/ Recreational Water Quality
at Corpus Christi Bay Shoreline Areas Associated with Storm Drain Runoff
Ed’s Note: The above is the public notice of Dr. Mott’s recent study. At the 03/11/02 meeting of the Coastal Bend Bays Foundation the findings were made public there were some disturbing additional findings that Bay sailors should be made aware. The CCWA was represented at that meeting and in the Editor’s Puffs column I have tried to summarize some of those additional comments. If you sail the Bay, you should find out just what you are sailing in. The full text of the study is available from the TNRCC. (see Editor’s puffs for the address) BIRD ISLAND BASH
There will be a race BUT the winner will need as much luck as skill
to be the winner
Jan., Feb., & Mar. 2002 |
I regret to inform you that Worldwinds will be going out of business
at the end of this week. We have lost our concessionaire contract
and the National Park Service intends to convert the entire Bird Island
Basin area into a dedicated Jet Ski park. In any case, that doesn’t
really matter as the off-shore oil drilling rigs popping up throughout
the Laguna would have made it difficult to continue our operation in a
safe manner. John and I have enjoyed our time on the beach and look
forward to our new careers in the waste management business.
So, is this when I get to say “April Fools”? …
It’s that time of year again and the prime beach real estate is going fast. The RV Windsurfing Gang is claiming turf faster than they can fill their plates at Floyds Christian Restaurant in Flour Bluff during all-you-can-eat Chicken Fried Steak Night. I have no idea whether Floyd’s actually has an all-you-can-eat Chicken Fried Steak Night but odds are pretty good that they do and so what’s my point? My point is that things are heating up at Bird Island and lots of folks have been scoring big wind (why do I keep hearing all these little voices saying: “Oh, so that was your point”?) Cowabunga! What a way to end March. Easter weekend blew 30 to 45 and that brought out the small boards and small sails; big wind and big jibes; cheap talk and cheap beer; good friends and good times – we had a little something for everybody. And the best news is that the spring thermals are just around the corner. With all this anticipated fun looming on the horizon, it might be a good idea to remind everybody to be safe out there. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that the recreational mix in the Laguna is changing. We now have windsurfers, boaters, and kiters all taking up more and more geography. Each group has an equal right to be there and none of us wants to see anyone get hurt. The best way to not get hurt is to not get hit. Situational Awareness. Know what is going on around you on the water and keep as much distance as possible between you and all the other flying objects in the neighborhood. Remember the game “Rock Breaks Scissors”? Well in our case it is could well be called “Boat breaks Windsurfer”. It really doesn’t matter who has the right-of-way. If you are right in the way you will get ironed out. And who cares anyway? – This isn’t the America’s Cup finals. All that’s required is mutual respect and a little common sense. And before we blame the boaters again for all of our problems, keep in mind that over the years boaters have helped countless windsurfers from beginners struggling with the learning curve to advanced sailors wallowing about with mechanical breakdowns. And I have yet to hear of a fisherman asking for gas money. IT DOESN’T TAKE A WEATHERMAN TO TELL HOW HARD THE WIND BLOWS: All it takes is a visit to the Worldwinds Palapa of Knowledge where we have installed a high tech weather gadget that will do a whole bunch of things if John or I ever get around to reading the directions. Right now it tells you wind speed, wind direction, and whatever random data comes up when windsurfers start pushing buttons. And thank you in advance for not calling on the phone and asking us to stop whatever we are doing to go look and see what the wind is doing right this second. Instead, go to our web site at www.worldwinds.net and click on Real Time Weather on the menu bar. The advantage is that the data there is printable. If you call us on the phone there is a very good probability that the data you receive will not be printable. AND THE RESULTS ARE IN. MAY I HAVE THE ENVELOPE PLEASE: I really appreciate all the comments/compliments I got after last months newsletter. The number of responses was way more than I anticipated. What I anticipated was that maybe one out of the four people who actually read the newsletter would take the time to respond. The bottom line is that we will continue on with the basic email format. Almost nobody had problems with photos or file size but several did have security problems with attachments. I don’t want to lose anybody (my goal is to increase the readership to five by the end of the year) so we will just do it the old fashioned way. Works for me. 2ND ANNUAL WORLDWINDS GARAGE SALE: This is not a swap meet but more like a spring-cleaning of odds and ends. Misc. aluminum booms, one Bell Helmet, a few odd fins, T-shirts, junk box full of junk, inexpensive masts, Hifly Max board, Bic Veloce 288, portable hammocks, and whatever else we are tired of looking at. Hint: we are way tired of looking at the hammocks. I will put the stuff out most weekends in April until all these treasures are gone. Come on by and make me an offer that I can’t refuse. WORLDWINDS ONLINE STORE: Remember to check out our online store before you make your next purchase of windsurfing paraphernalia. We still are offering free shipping on boards, sails, masts, and booms throughout the month of April. Our spring special (as long as supplies last) is a brand new Dakine High Back waist harness complete with spreader bar for $64.00. These days a comparable harness will run between 80 and 100 bucks. PARK NEWS UPDATE: We have a new Chief Ranger in the Park and his name is Randy Larson. Randy comes to us from Sequoia National Park and has a whole bunch of Park Service experience. Randy is also a real nice guy and that is a very good thing because I would say that he is no matter what. Now, I know what you are all probably thinking: “Oh, sure, Worldwinds is a licensed concessionaire in the Park, they have to say nice things.” Not so. It turns out that he and his family bought the house almost next door to me here on the Island and as I was watching all the stuff coming out of my new neighbor’s moving van I realized that I’m going to be needing to borrow some of his power tools as soon as he gets unpacked… When you meet Randy, give him a big Texas welcome. The other news is that this year the Padre Island National Seashore is celebrating it’s 40th anniversary. Maybe we should combine our Worldwinds Annual 4th of July BBQ with a park birthday party. I was thinking about roasting a whole pig this time so maybe we should call it the “South Texas Luau, Independence Day, Padre Island National Seashore Birthday, The New Guys at Worldwinds Haven’t Left Yet Celebration”. Kind of has of a ring to it, doesn’t it? Details will be coming soon. Mark your social calendar now for this July 6th gala extravaganza. July BBQ? I almost forgot that we wouldn’t even be here. By that time we will hopefully be buried knee deep in our new jobs. That’s it from here, Don |
To be decided... |
Volunteers Wanted: The club sponsored events, both races and fun events, need people to help out on and before the events. This is particularly true for the US Open. One year, the CCWA was a sponsor and had a booth at the Open; but we didn't have sufficient help to man the booth throughout the event. We don't want that to happen again! Similarly, other events suffered because of a lack of help. How about volunteering your help this year? Just phone an event coordinator and offer some help. |
Name:______________________________________Phone: ( )______________ Family membership, list names of family members:_____________________________________ ____________________________________E-mail Add:_________________________ Address:_______________________________________________________________ City:_________________________________State:_________________Zip__________ Please enclose $20 for individual; $30 for family (1 year membership) Mail To: CCWA, PO Box
81453, Corpus Christi, TX 78468
Used Gear: | Classified ads are free to
members, non-members: $5.00
Please submit the ads by the 25th of the month. Mail ads to: LooseClu@prodigy.net |
Race-Worthy '00 Pro-Tech
29 Carbon. Light and fast, looking
for same characteristics in a sailor wanting to improve on speed and angle.
$600. or Best Offer
'99 LeMehaute Custom Slalom 9'2". $450. Both boards in good condition with professionally-done minor repairs. Scale weights competitively light. Email Racerguy at racetteguy@msn.com |
For more web classifieds, check out the Windsurfing Classifieds at "the other CCWA". |
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