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CCWA | CURRENTS | June 2002 |
What follows is an edited version of our newsletter "CURRENTS". To get the full printed version, just join the club using the membership form below, and get the complete newsletter delivered to your mailbox every month. Send submissions to the newsletter to LooseClu@prodigy.net. | ![]() |
Commodore's Notes: Racing’s Return? The U.S. Open has run their last heat for this year. What a great turnout the event had. It’s such a spectacle to see the fleet out on the bay. The scene on the bluff; the spectators, the vendors, and the racers themselves, made such an impression on visitors to the area. Congratulations to Elaine Motl for her efforts. She did the windsurfing community a great deed in promoting such a successful event. I sat and watched the heats and saw something I hadn’t expected. The Mistral Prodigy fleet was putting the fun back in the competition. The creation and promotion of that class of board, with all the benefits of the wide-style boards and that daggerboard for those special occasions, may just be what racing has been lacking. Finally, a board for the everyday sailor. We have watched as our local racing scene has disappeared from the bay. Each year, after seeing the success of the Open, I wonder what we can do to get more people out on the water. Perhaps, the evolution of the Prodigy class will be the ticket to a revival of the scene. Windsurfing needs to tap the local college and teenage groups and bring in some new blood. I hope that this new board will be the ticket that makes their entry into our sport a reality. The Open created a demand for an additional launch site for the other sailors. What a great launch the new beach at the A&M campus has become. Talk about killing two birds with one stone! We get to spend all day sailing in front of the university; one of the best ways to promote the joy of windsurfing to the local students and we get to help popularize the benefits of this new alternative launch site. I have been sailing this launch, for a year, and touting the excellent conditions. The new popularity of this site has come as no surprise to yours truly. During the Open, introductory windsurfing lessons were given in the sheltered lagoon and those lessons were a great success. This is the newest beach scene that the bay has to offer and it’s high time we used it. To that end, I am promoting “A Day on the Bay”. It’s going to be held at the A&M beach on Saturday, June 15th. We will start the day with some beach games, move into the afternoon sailing session, end with a downwinder to Swantner Park and move to my house for the pool and Bar-B-Que. The grill will be ready by 5pm. Bring a board, bring a suit, and bring some burgers! Let’s have some fun. Chip Ed's Note: This will be Chip’s last blast as Commodore. It appears he has a replacement kidney lined up and will be undergoing the knife in the not too distant future. He has stuck to his schedule hoping to be able to hang on as Commodore until June- well done Chip! Come on out to the A&M Beach on June 15th and celebrate with us as we wish Chip the best in his upcoming ordeal and enjoy sailing with him for what may be the last time for awhile. This will be a pot luck so remember to bring something tasty for the post sailing party (and very brief CCWA meeting) at Chip’s home. Sailing Away
by Louise Popplewell reprinted from the Victoria
Advocate 05/002/02
Ed’s Note: John Meitzen has been a member of the CCWA longer than I have, maybe we’ll get him tocome join us for one of our Events so we can have the pleasure of meeting him. John Meitzen, the Coastal Bend’s first board sailor, is one of the Coastal Bend’s most dedicated. Biff Goes Big Time
by Racerguy
2002 U.S. Open/Nationals-
Nothing but A Party!
Editor's Puffs: by
Roy Tansill
FREE Kid's Windsurfing Class
EACH CHILD NEEDS TO HAVE THEIR OWN LIFEJACKET. Be there at least 15 minutes early to fill out paperwork. PARENT NAME: ________________________________________ CHILD__________________________________________ AGE __________ CHILD__________________________________________ AGE __________ CHILD__________________________________________ AGE __________ Your DAY TELEPHONE #_____________________________
E-MAIL ________________________________________ Thanks for your participation; Cliff Tudor
Here Comes Summer!
by Roy Tansill
Mar., Apr., & May 2002 |
6TH. Everyone who is on darn near anyone’s A list knows that this
weekend extravaganza is THE must do gala event of the social season.
Tickets, as usual, will be as difficult to come by as an honest answer
out of the mouth of an Enron CEO. The Dali Lama, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Garth
Brooks don’t have a prayer to make the list. If George Bush, Richard Simmons
or Osama Bin Laden show up, they will politely be shown the door. The list
of those who will not receive an invitation is almost endless…
So, I’m quite sure that YOU, (insert your name here), are suitably impressed that you have been selected as one of the chosen few who are now being invited to participate in this once in a lifetime opportunity. Sign up now at Worldwinds or email me at djackson@worldwinds.net so we know how many small dead animals to BBQ. All you need to bring is a good attitude and your beverage of choice. We hope you can all join us on July 6th. The festivities start after noon and will last until we all get tired and go home. Dinner will be served promptly at around 6:30 or so. WHAT: Worldwinds 3rd annual Family and Friends BBQ
HOW MUCH: Absolutely Free, Nada, Nothing, Zip, No Money Down, Easy Payment Plan. PLEASE RSVP BY JUNE 30: Sign up at Worldwinds, email djackson@worldwinds.net, call (361) 949-7474 or (800) 793-7471 MAY AT BIRD ISLAND IN 80 SECONDS OR LESS: Let’s see now… We had plenty ‘o wind and even a couple of very late cold fronts that ruined everybody’s attitude for a day or so; The US Open has come and gone and was a big success by all accounts; Kevin Pritchard won of course; A smallish rattlesnake was spotted slithering under the board container; A tortoise clomping right along the beach narrowly escaped several tourists who wanted to put the “poor little turtle back in the ocean”; Randy Mallory, a regular contributor to Texas Highways Magazine, stopped by this past month for a visit and a lesson and is working on an article that is due to be published this fall about how much fun it is to windsurf at Bird Island Basin - at least we hope that is what the article is about but it is not entirely out of the realm of possibility that he was working undercover and is actually an investigative journalist doing an expose on the fact that John and I are too cheap to buy decent beer; Kia Walker tried some tandem sailing with an entire jellyfish hanging
off her boom; Both Evan Walker and Logan Roots broke ribs in separate incidents
while working on tricks - does that mean we all get to make a wish?; Randy
Roper and Ben Jacobs started nailing their fast tacks; Evert Sprey got
T-boned by another sailor and had his board sliced and diced by the other
guys fin- The good news is that Evert didn’t get hurt- and the better news
is that he wasn’t even on his own board; Memorial day weekend filled the
parking lot; a good time was had by all; The end.
CURRANTS... Letters to the Editor | |||||
Indianola Race Series-Official
Indianola is a historical and sparse beach located on Matagorda Bay. It is near Port Lavaca, TX and is adjacent to Magnolia Beach. We typically sail at the cabanas near Taylor's Restaurant. It also offers great winds comparable to Corpus Christi. The chop however is slightly closer together and does not "roll" like it does in Corpus Christi Bay. There is also no weeds so sailors may use 70cm fins. With all the implications of running an "official" event in CC, I would like to invite windsurfers to come to our area for a few events. Racing is on the top of the agenda but freestyle events may also happen since some people have given me input to hold such events. The official club name is called the South Texas Windsurfing Association (STWA) and we would like to be a "Sister Association" of the CCWA and promote the mission of the CCWA. The CCWA has helped area shops and the STWA would like to follow its lead. Some of the area shops that would be supported include: Corpus Christi (Cline Street), Houston (Windsurfing Sports), Austin, etc... Racing events will be low key in comparison to past Whataburger events. IT WILL OFFER AN OPPORTUNITY FOR ANY WINDSURFER TO IMPROVE HIS OR HER SKILLS. There will be a starting line with a designated person who will "sound" the start (whistle or horn most likely), with upwind, downwind racing. No flags. Formal racing rules will be given out later this year once the STWA has its web page up and running. This season we will have only 1 race scheduled in order to work out unexpected issues. Next season we plan to have a longer running series and continue to work out "kinks." These races will be used to tune up for larger national races and the US Open. There is a possibility that a late formal fall series may happen but I will inform you if that happens. The one race this summer will have no cost and is only a pilot project. Next season, it is possible the following will happen depending on input: All racers will win money. There will be a season membership fee. The total prize money will be 50% of the membership fee pool for the season. For example, if there were 10 racers, first place would get 20%, second 15%, third 10%, and the other 45% would be given equally among the rest. All equipment must be within Formula Racing guidelines, and scoring will be based on the low point system. Must complete 7 heats to be eligible for prize money. Throw outs: 9 heats=2, 11 heats=4, 13 heats=6. This is only a sketch of the rules a formal list will be available later. The race this year will have a Skippers meeting at 1230pm and racing at 1pm. The wind minimum is 12 mph (sustained for 10 seconds by my wind gauge) and racers must register three sails and one board for the whole series (only one race this summer). Again a more complete list of rules and guidelines will be available soon as well as our own web site. To find out forecasted conditions, log on to the weather forecast for Palacios, TX. Race 1: June 22, 2002 Hope to see you there. Please RSVP by contacting: the South Texas Windsurfing Association at Chris011801@aol.com |
Volunteers Wanted: The club sponsored events, both races and fun events, need people to help out on and before the events. This is particularly true for the US Open. One year, the CCWA was a sponsor and had a booth at the Open; but we didn't have sufficient help to man the booth throughout the event. We don't want that to happen again! Similarly, other events suffered because of a lack of help. How about volunteering your help this year? Just phone an event coordinator and offer some help. |
Name:______________________________________Phone: ( )______________ Family membership, list names of family members:_____________________________________ ____________________________________E-mail Add:_________________________ Address:_______________________________________________________________ City:_________________________________State:_________________Zip__________ Please enclose $20 for individual; $30 for family (1 year membership) Mail To: CCWA, PO Box
81453, Corpus Christi, TX 78468
Used Gear: | Classified ads are free to
members, non-members: $5.00
Please submit the ads by the 25th of the month. Mail ads to: LooseClu@prodigy.net |
Drops FL-13 Formula
board-2001 model 90 cm wide.
Light and fast for racing or making the transition over to the full-sized
100s. $750 OBO
Guy at 512 918-3164 |
For more web classifieds, check out the Windsurfing Classifieds at "the other CCWA". |
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